Movement using OpenGL/Glut

Compiled using Code::Blocks 13.12 in Ubuntu 14:
Build options -> Linker Settings (Other Linker Options):  -lGL -lGLU -lglut
Properties -> Build Targets (Type): GUI Application

Movement.c is a program that draws a triangle on screen and accepts user input that moves/rotates the triangle. It is written in C using OpenGL/GLUT libraries. This post does not describe the Math or OpenGL/GLUT functions in details, and is mostly for you to do some code experimentation. Feel free to use this code for your own project.

Movement.c screenshot.

Above is a screenshot taken of the code running. As you can see there is nothing special and exciting to look at; however, the user can move around the blue triangle. Additionally, the blue triangle cannot move outside of the window boundaries, which could cause the player to get lost if wrap around or camera follow is not implemented.



[code language=”c”]

#include <stdio.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>          // Open Graphics Library (OpenGL) header
#include <GL/freeglut.h>    // The GL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) Header
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

// Math defines
#ifndef M_PI
  #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846

#define RAD2DEG 180.0/M_PI
#define DEG2RAD M_PI/180.0

// Keyboard defines
#define KEY_ESCAPE 27

// Keyboard arrows
#define KEY_UP 101
#define KEY_DOWN 103
#define KEY_LEFT 100
#define KEY_RIGHT 102

// 2D function defines, as 3D is not needed
#define myTranslate2D(x,y) glTranslated(x, y, 0.0)
#define myScale2D(x,y) glScalef(x, y, 1.0)
#define myRotate2D(angle) glRotatef(RAD2DEG*angle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

// Various game defines
#define MAX_ACC_PLAYER  0.15

/* — type definitions —————————————————— */
typedef struct {
    int width;
        int height;
        char* title;

        float field_of_view_angle;
        float z_near;
        float z_far;
} glutWindow;

typedef struct Coords {
    double x, y;
} Coords;

typedef struct {
    double  x, y, phi, dx, dy, vmax, vmax2, radius;
} Player;

/* — function prototypes ————————————————— */

static void initialize ();

// Keyboard
void keyboard (unsigned char, int, int);
void keyPress (int, int, int);
void keyRelease (int, int, int);

void myTimer (int);

// Player
void drawPlayer (Player *p);
void movePlayer ();
void checkMapBoundries ();

// Display
void display ();
void myReshape (int, int);

void setWindowValues ();

/* — global variables —————————————————— */

static glutWindow win;

// State of cursor keys
static int up = 0;
static int down = 0;
static int left = 0;
static int right = 0;

static double x2;
static double y2;
static Player player;
static Coords coords;

/* — functions ————————————————————- */

int main (int argc, char **argv) {


    srand((unsigned int) time(NULL));

    // initialize and run program
    glutInit(&argc, argv);  // GLUT initialization
    glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_DEPTH );  // Display Mode
    glutInitWindowSize(win.width, win.height); // set window size
    glutCreateWindow(win.title); // create Window
    glutDisplayFunc(display); // register Display Function
    glutIdleFunc(display); // register Idle Function

    // Keyboard
    glutSpecialUpFunc(keyRelease); // register Keyboard Handler

    glutTimerFunc(33, myTimer, 0);


    glutMainLoop(); // run GLUT mainloop

    return 0;

static void initialize () {

    /** PLAYER
     * set parameters including the numbers photons present,
     * the maximum velocity of the player, the velocity of the laser shots, the
     * player’s coordinates and velocity, etc.
    player.x = 50.0;
    player.y = 50.0;
    player.dx = player. dy = 0;
    player.vmax = MAX_VELO_PLAYER;
    player.vmax2 = MAX_VELO_PLAYER * MAX_VELO_PLAYER;


void keyboard ( unsigned char key, int mousePositionX, int mousePositionY ) {

    switch (key) {

        // Quits game
        case KEY_ESCAPE:
            exit (0);


 *  This function is called when a special key is pressed; we are
 *  interested in the cursor keys only
void keyPress (int key, int x, int y) {

    switch (key) {
        case KEY_LEFT:
            left = 1;

        case KEY_UP:
            up = 1;

        case KEY_RIGHT:
            right = 1;

        case KEY_DOWN:
            down = 1;


 *  This function is called when a special key is released; we are
 *  interested in the cursor keys only
void keyRelease (int key, int x, int y) {

    switch (key) {
        case KEY_LEFT:
            left = 0;

        case KEY_UP:
            up = 0;

        case KEY_RIGHT:
            right = 0;

        case KEY_DOWN:
            down = 0;


 * Update
void myTimer (int value) {


    glutTimerFunc(33, myTimer, value);      /* 30 frames per second */


void movePlayer () {

     // Player Rotation
    if(left && right) {
        //do nothing
    else if(left == 1) {
        player.phi = player.phi + DEG2RAD * 11.5; //Larger the number the faster it will rotate
    else if(right == 1) {
        player.phi = player.phi – DEG2RAD * 11.5;

    // Player Movement
    if(up && down) {
        // stop player
        player.dx = 0.0;
        player.dy = 0.0;
    // Moves player forwards
    else if(up == 1) {
        player.dx = player.dx – MAX_ACC_PLAYER * sin(player.phi);
        player.dy = player.dy + MAX_ACC_PLAYER * cos(player.phi);
    // Moves player backwards
    else if(down == 1) {
        player.dx = player.dx + (MAX_ACC_PLAYER – 0.09) * sin(player.phi);
        player.dy = player.dy – (MAX_ACC_PLAYER – 0.09) * cos(player.phi);
    // Slows player down when up && down movement keys are not pressed
    else if (up == 0 && down == 0) {

        if (player.dx > 0) {
            player.dx -= 0.2;

        if (player.dy > 0) {
            player.dy -= 0.2;

        if (player.dx < 0 || player.dy < 0) {
            player.dx = 0;
            player.dy = 0;

    double temp;
    //If the player exceeds the max velocity (moving backwards), limit the velocity
    if(down == 1 && (temp = (player.dx * player.dx + player.dy * player.dy)) > (player.vmax)) {
        temp = player.vmax / sqrt(temp);
        player.dx *= temp – 0.5;
        player.dy *= temp – 0.5;
     //If the player exceeds the max velocity (moving forwards), limit the velocity
    else if((temp = (player.dx * player.dx + player.dy * player.dy)) > player.vmax2) {
        temp = player.vmax / sqrt(temp);
        player.dx *= temp;
        player.dy *= temp;

    // Puts the math in motion
    player.x = player.x + player.dx;
    player.y = player.y + player.dy;

} // end movePlayer()

 * Map boundaries – prevents player from going out of designated map area
void checkMapBoundries () {

    if(player.x > win.width) {
        player.x = win.width;
    if(player.x < 0) {
        player.x = 0;
    if(player.y > win.height) {
        player.y = win.height;
    if(player.y < 0) {
        player.y = 0;

* The display callback handles exposure events and is called whenever the display must be refreshed.
* Values can be passed to the display callback function only by means of global variables.
void display () {

    glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Clear Screen and Depth Buffer



 *  reshape callback function; the aspect ratio is
 *  determined by the aspect ratio of the viewport
void myReshape (int w, int h) {

    glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); // select projection matrix
    glViewport(0, 0, win.width, win.height); // set the viewport
    glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);  // set matrix mode
    glLoadIdentity(); // reset projection matrix
    //GLfloat aspect = (GLfloat) win.width / win.height;

    glOrtho(0.0, win.width, 0.0, win.height, win.z_near, win.z_far);
    //gluPerspective(win.field_of_view_angle, aspect, win.z_near, win.z_far);  // set up a perspective projection matrix

    glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // specify which matrix is the current matrix
    glShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH );
    glClearDepth( 1.0f );                                                                                                               // specify the clear value for the depth buffer
    glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
    glDepthFunc( GL_LEQUAL );
    glHint( GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST ); // specify implementation-specific hints
    glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.02, 1.0); // specify clear values for the color buffers


 * Sets game window specifications
void setWindowValues () {

    win.width = 640;
    win.height = 480;
    win.title = "AGIP";
    win.field_of_view_angle = 0;
    win.z_near = 1.0f;
    win.z_far = 100.0f;

/* — drawing functions —————————————————– */

void drawPlayer (Player *p) {

    glEnable( GL_LINE_SMOOTH );
    glColor3f(0.2f, 0.9f, 1.0f);
        myTranslate2D(p->x, p->y);
        /* Starting position */
            glVertex3f( 0.0f ,  2.0f , 0.0f);   // Top
            glVertex3f(-1.0f , -1.0f , 0.0f);   // Bottom Left
            glVertex3f( 1.0f , -1.0f , 0.0f);   // Bottom Right


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