I’ve always found the worst part about development is setting up the dev. environment. So, to bypass that, I have made a basic CMake dev. environment that uses a build_all script to build the entire project.
Clone or download the repo. from my GitHub here.
What is in the Template Repository?
The Project contains the following:
- code
- project.cpp: main service
- ClassObject.cpp/hpp: Source and Header file for an object class
- CMakeLists.txt: CMake for this code directory
- build.bat: Build the code
- CMakeLists.txt: Root CMake file
- .gitinore: Used for ignoring files when committing (has the build dir in it)
- LICENSE: Everyone should include one with their projects

What Does the Template Do?
This template builds a basic service module that includes a class object to demonstrate including other classes.
Clicking the build script will build up the solution file that can be used to start coding away.